Inspired simultaneously and erratically by the blog thoughts of both Stanley Lee and Ned Rorem.

Nov 21, 2002

Destination from tomorrow to the following Sunday: New Haven, New York, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Palo Alto, Berkeley, Lake Tahoe, Reno. Hence, in light of the trip, this blog will run dry for a bit. Please keep checking it, however, as I am trying to rack up more hits than Stanley.

My patience has been running low lately for the ignorance and stubborn-mindedness of this traditionally-rooted institution, which apparently, refuses to delve into any sort of music that doesn't carry a tonal melody - specifically, anything post-Brahms. On a completely random note, I think I'm gonna take a History of Jazz and History of American Music class next year, coincidentally taught by the same prof.

Sorry for the boring blog. I'm packing.

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