Inspired simultaneously and erratically by the blog thoughts of both Stanley Lee and Ned Rorem.

Dec 5, 2002

This is an actual blogpost from a friend of a friend. I'm not kidding. This is unaltered too. And it's not a joke.

heY wassup everYOne droppiN by maH payge hEre creATed by maH bOo (PadThaigrL is hER findapiX iD..aNd yEa i knoW im a lucKy guY to hAve a beauTifuL sexaY giRlfrienD! haha whoS goTs da looKz aNd brAinz of couRse) shEs in chiCago so yEa we'Re doin a lonG distanCe thanG, buT its coOL cuZ shEs wortH it anD i loVe her verY mucH..pluS she'll b moVing hEre sooN as shEs done w/ its allll gooOOd. shEs da bEst thinG thAt hAs comE into maH lyFe..shEs mah giRL and maH beSt frienD. iM verY mucH in loVE witH hEr aNd ainT nuttiN no onE caN say bouT it cuZ ouR loVE is trUe and reaL.

loVe is a cRAzy thinG ainT it? iT donT stoP 2 peoPLE from bein togetHer..shE is everythinG to me..i lovE you aliSa *mwaH*

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