Inspired simultaneously and erratically by the blog thoughts of both Stanley Lee and Ned Rorem.

Jul 23, 2004

SUPPORT JEROME. LSATS FOR ASS! ('rome has an agreement with his girlfriend. he gets a 177 on the LSATS, then he gets some)

naryantek: i had to explain to alice once the bright side
naryantek: at least it doesnt get any raunchier than our group of friends
car LOCO 69: i'm sure she found that comforting dude
naryantek: we're pretty much as gross as it gets i think
naryantek: i think she rolled her eyes
car LOCO 69: well i always think so too right
car LOCO 69: until we meet up with jerome
car LOCO 69: then i'm like
car LOCO 69: damn we ain't even skimmed the surface dawg
naryantek: HHAHAHHAHAHhaAHc
ar LOCO 69: hahahhahah
car LOCO 69: i mean that fool testin' out right now for ASS
car LOCO 69: i wonder if he'll nail that 177
naryantek: support JEROME
naryantek: LSATS FOR ASS
car LOCO 69: for sho fo sho

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