Inspired simultaneously and erratically by the blog thoughts of both Stanley Lee and Ned Rorem.

Jul 22, 2004

Stan and I were discussing the G-spot the other day when all of a sudden we stumbled across an educational site: Try it.

naryantek: i like the last page
naryantek: Can I make you some breakfast? Would you like a beer? How about a blow job? That's O.K. Baby, you can watch the football game while I satisfy you. Anything for my BIG Daddy.
naryantek: HAHAhahahahaHAHA
car LOCO 69: hahAHAHH
car LOCO 69: Keep your cursor out of my ass dipshit.
Now go back and try again. If you keep treating me like this, you won't find the g spot. If you don't find the g-spot, I won't orgasm. If I don't orgasm, you won't orgasm ever again.
naryantek: HAHAHHAhahhahaA
naryantek: omg blog worthy

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