Inspired simultaneously and erratically by the blog thoughts of both Stanley Lee and Ned Rorem.

Oct 28, 2002

Conversations with Wayne about the greatest-pianist-of-my-generation, Orion Weiss:

car LOCO 6 9: well the name orion is perfect
car LOCO 6 9: at least he can point to the sky and say, look that's me
car LOCO 6 9: that's a crazy pickup line
Waaaayne: hahahaha
Waaaayne: damn it
Waaaayne: i want a constellation
Waaaayne: someone please name a bunch of stars after me
car LOCO 6 9: you can point to a huge huge mass of stars and say
car LOCO 6 9: look, that's wayne's big dipper
car LOCO 6 9: and wink, and say, yea you know you want it
Waaaayne: HAHAHA
Waaaayne: or how about
Waaaayne: i know how you can help my big dipper not dip
car LOCO 6 9: hahahhahaa
car LOCO 6 9: orion can say stuff like, wait til you see what's below the belt, baby
Waaaayne: hahahahhaa

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