Inspired simultaneously and erratically by the blog thoughts of both Stanley Lee and Ned Rorem.

Oct 26, 2002

Conversations I have with Stanley:
naryantek: sup faygorian
car LOCO 6 9: sup gaynessesian
naryantek: sup homo-fagsapien
car LOCO 6 9: sup queerballian
naryantek: sup gaymo
car LOCO 6 9: sup fairydancitorius
car LOCO 6 9: sup fudgepackagorian
naryantek: sup sugar plum fairy
car LOCO 6 9: sup dykemasteris
naryantek: sup big black african
car LOCO 6 9: sup chinese pimple juice sucker
naryantek: sup filipino banana man
car LOCO 6 9: sup mushroom eating ass picker
naryantek: sup yo-yo riding wuomek
naryantek: ait i gotta roll, catcha later

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