Inspired simultaneously and erratically by the blog thoughts of both Stanley Lee and Ned Rorem.

Aug 3, 2009

A fictional short story. Emphasis on fictional.

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Ching. Her last name was Chong. Ching was a sweet girl in her 20's who had immigrated from Asia at a young age and attended college on a full scholarship in the United States. Ching was a precious girl. She was very careful not to mess up any of her opportunities for which she was so thankful, and she crossed the street only when the light turned green. She thought this to be proper.

Ching owned a couch in her living room. It was a modest old thing that some people might call a sofa and she had bought it brand new from Ikea, which she thought to be the most splendid store in the world. The couch had a very octogenarian feel to it and was decorated with the prints of tiny daisies, and the anthers were purple.

Anthers are the parts of the flower that contain pollen sacs.

Ching was deathly afraid of guests spilling coffee on her couch. It was a paralyzing fear and she couldn't stand the thought of someone accidentally spilling coffee on her couch. So she wrapped it in plastic. The plastic covering was disgusting. It made the couch look much nastier than it actually was. She knew this, so sometimes she would remove the plastic; but, one could never know when she would keep it on and when she would remove it.

Down the street lived a friend of hers by the name of Bernard. Bernard was in every way the opposite of Ching, and it was amazing that they got along. He attended a university in the city nearby, but rarely went to class. Especially on sunny days. Why, after all, go to class on a sunny day? At night, Bernard would spend time deciding on what type of white wine would go well with the fish he was about to cook; white wine and fish made him extremely happy.

Bernard owned a couch as well - but it was a boring white couch. There was really nothing special on it, and he didn't much care for the prints of daisies with purple anthers. He had only four guests that had ever come over to his apartment in his life, but all four had spilled coffee on his couch and stained it. He cared at first, but now he didn't really care.

One day, Ching came over to his apartment. She saw that he had four distinct coffee stains on his couch, and she kindly suggested that he put plastic over the couch in order to prevent another stain from occurring. He told her, "Ching. If I put plastic over the couch, it will be even uglier. Plus, there are already four stains on it. Who cares if another guest spills coffee on it?"

Ching was holding a cup of coffee, but she never spilled it on his couch. She was very careful. Then she left.

She never visited again.

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