Inspired simultaneously and erratically by the blog thoughts of both Stanley Lee and Ned Rorem.

Jul 25, 2009

The summer of Michael Jackson, Kurt Vonnegut, Mark Rothko, and Alex Ross.

Having faked a facade of apathetic recovery while jointly losing an easy 25 pounds, I've found my immutable patience threshold to have evaporated into an ocean of quick-tempered hot oil.

Vonnegut says that beautiful girls "do everything they can to give lonely, ordinary people like me indigestion and the heeby-jeebies, and they wouldn't even hold hands with me to keep me from falling off a cliff." [Welcome to the Monkey House, "Miss Temptation")

No wonder they gave him a Pulitzer - that statement redefines the sociological implications of literary Humanism by the ankles of its fundamental roots. Ha.

"I've been here times before / But I was too blind to see / That you seduce every man / This time you won't seduce me" -Michael Jackson, "Dirty Diana"

The rest is noise.

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