Inspired simultaneously and erratically by the blog thoughts of both Stanley Lee and Ned Rorem.

May 12, 2005

This is a response to those of you many who approach me regarding weight-loss, particularly how I managed to lose them 50 pounds so quickly. There really is no magic secret and most of what I tell you, you already pretty much know. But I'll sum it all up for all of you that are trying to lose a little pound or two. Or 50.

1) Lift weights. That is number one. Most of you (especially girls) think that they don't wanna bulk up or have no interest in looking toned; only weight loss matters. Well, the more you lift, the faster you'll burn calories when you do cardio.

2) Enjoy what you eat. This is key. If you try and starve yourself or start eating some nasty ass health food shit, it might work for awhile. But after a certain amount of time, you'll hate it and you'll quit. You'll give it up. I guarantee it. Find healthy food that you absolutely love - a lot of you think that doesn't exist. It does. You just gotta search harder for it or compromise with healthier versions of unhealthy food that you do love.

3) Don't go crazy with cardio. Do cardio, but don't go crazy with that shit. Few times a week and not so hardcore. Or else you'll just stop doing it after awhile.

4) Work out in the morning. There are too many excuses later in the day that will prevent you from working out. Plus, you burn the most amount of calories before you eat your first meal. All you gotta do is set your alarm one hour earlier than you would normally wake up every day. It's not that bad.

5) Try and think of image as a side-bonus to your health and well-being. Obviously, you wanna look good as well. Think about what's best for you and not what looks best, and the latter will naturally occur as a product of the former.

6) Stay away from mayo, oil, fried shit, chocolate, candy, and salad dressing. You don't need that shit. There are plenty other foods you can get pleasure from that don't include those things.

7) Don't rely on a special "workout friend" or special gym to work out. Be flexible. Your friend won't always have the same schedule as you. The gyms hours might not coincide with your schedule. Get used to the fact that working out sometimes has to be a solitary activity.

8) Vary what you do for cardio. Don't just do the same shit all the time. Vary it up. Run up a hill. Play basketball. Use the bike. Try the rowing machine. Whatever it is, vary it up. And up your cardio every few weeks or so, or your body will start immunizing itself to your workout.

9) If you're a beer drinker, get used to wine. If you're a hard liquor person, go easy. Beer has an immense amount of calories. So does a single shot of vodka. Wine is best.

10) Set unrealistic goals. It helps the mind and body work harder. Don't give up.

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