Inspired simultaneously and erratically by the blog thoughts of both Stanley Lee and Ned Rorem.

Apr 28, 2005

Story from Myung:

I’m staying at a hotel to prepare for finals b/c I wanted a nice quiet place to study and I wanted some really good rest – unlike my apartment, this place has windows!

so I was in the lobby and I was pulled over by some guy … he said … excuse me .. do you know anything about computers? i said, a little bit. he was having trouble with his wireless connection and asked me to go to his room to take a look at his computer. I said … okay.

on the way up, he said, “you guys are good at this kinda stuff … i know.”
i said … huh? You mean, Asian People?
He said yah.
I know I was supposed to be offended … but shiet, I’m in St. Louis… I’m already used to this. I said … “yah, you’re right. we’re born with it.”

Then I proceeded to fix his wireless.

Apr 21, 2005

How well do you know Jack Bauer? What would he do if....

1. It was between immediately rescuing 5 civilian children or pursuing a suspect with info to a major city-wide threat? Only one of the two is possible and the latter is not a guarantee.

2. It was between immediately rescuing his daughter or pursuing a suspect with info to a major city-wide threat? Only one of the two is possible and the latter is not a guarantee.

3. It was between discreetly following a suspect with a hostage (who will be killed) to obtain information, or taking the suspect down and saving the hostage to bring the suspect in for questioning? City-wide threat is on the line.

4. It was between shooting a friend in the head or risking an opportunity to disarm a bomb in a populated area.

5. It was between shooting a woman in the head that murdered his wife (purely for revenge), or turning her over to the authorities for interrogation regarding a strike against a civilian target.

6. It was between saving the life of the President, or saving the life of his family.

1. latter
2. former
3. former
4. former
5. former
6. both

Apr 20, 2005

Some plans are now set:

May 10th - May 20th: California
June 2nd - June 12th: California
June 13th - July 1st: The Hamptons
July 14th - July 25th: Prague
July 25th - August ?: Sicily?

Apr 12, 2005

On a separate note, I almost completely forgot to acknowledge everybody else's recent achievements.

Congratulations to my former-roommate and good friend Ken Olsen, on his recent acceptance to the associate principal cellist position of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

Congratulations to my homegirl Meeka Quan, on her recent acceptance to the cello section of the San Francisco Symphony.

Congratulations to my homegirl Juliana Athayde, on her recent appointment to the concermaster position of the Rochester Philharmonic. She turned down the San Francisco Symphony.

Congratulations to my homegirl Adelle-Akiko Kearns, on her recent appointment to the principal cello position of Tokyo Metropolitan Opera. She turned down the Tokyo Phil.

Congratulations to my close homeboy Ryan Chen, on his recent acceptance to Washington University at St. Louis Law School.

Congratulations to my homeboy Quentin Kim, on his recent acceptance to the doctoral program at The Juilliard School.

Congratulations to my homeboy Wonny Song, on his recent victory and appointment to the roster of Young Concert Artist.

And thank you to everybody who has wished me luck and given me support on my next few years at The Juilliard School.

We're all growing up. We're all coming up. Things change. But only for the better.
Most of you know the story of me and Myung. We spent 3 years at UC Berkeley together without seeing the other wearing so much as a backpack. Today, we rejoice in his 2nd chance, and my 3rd.

My most sincere and full congratulations to Myung, on his acceptance to Georgetown Law School.

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